Thank You :)

Thank You :)

No newsletter today but we wanted to let you know that we hit 1,00,000 subscribers yesterday.

A Personal Note

The Story

Now we don’t know how to put this into words but — Gosh darn it, how on earth did a financial newsletter from a bunch of nobodies get so much love from so many amazing people?

Like how?

If you had told us last August we’d be here right now, we would have chuckled. But I suppose we are here now, and there’s not a lot to say, except — Thank you!!!

Thank you for spreading the word. Thank you for critiquing us. Thank you for offering us valuable inputs and most importantly thank you for taking this newsletter to your friends and family and vouching for us. You have no idea how much this means to everyone in the team. We are forever indebted.

Alongside this, we also want to offer you a few updates about where we are right now and where we are headed.

For one we have an app. We’ve had it for a while. But we wanted to make sure it does the job well before we start pushing it to our subscribers. So if you are one of those people who’ve asked us for custom notification times, dark mode, or just an app, here you go.

Also, we have been working on a Financial Planner — something we teased a couple of times on our twitter (here and here) and many people have been asking us about the progress on that front. Unfortunately, Covid-19 sort of ruined our plans a little bit. So we won’t be able to push the beta until the situation improves.

We are also working on ways to better engage with the awesome community we have. Right now, it’s mostly just one-way communication. But we want to change that.

Lastly, on content. We are still a newsletter and we will continue to be one. However, we are trying to experiment with other forms of content. Not making any promises, but maybe you will start seeing us do some new things pretty soon.

Also, we are taking a day off. And that means no story today :(

But rest assured we will be back again tomorrow same time same place.

Until then…

Loads of Love

Keep supporting us :)

P.S. If you didn’t receive the story yesterday, do check your promotions tab. Gmail occasionally sends us there for weird reasons. So add us to your contacts so that you never miss an update from us. [Here’s a guide on how to add someone as a contact]